UTCC offers a wide range of International Programs to cater the ever-growing need of English Degree programs in Thailand. We offer the most cutting-edge Business, Accounting, Humanities programs to match the global standards. Students are put into a rigorous study plan with practical knowledge to hit the ground running and perform best in their future jobs. See below the list of International Programs we offer at UTCC.

International School of Management
- Bachelor of Business Administration – International Business Management (BBA-IBM)
- Bachelor of Accountancy (BACC)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business English (BA-BE)
- GLOBAL MBA (Weekday evening program)
- XMBA (Saturday program)

- Bachelor of Business (major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship) awarded by University of Newcastle

New interdisciplinary educational programs for entrepreneurship, technology, and design has been offered for the first time in Asia at Harbour.Space @UTCC in Bangkok. Harbour.Space @UTCC will bring leading global industry professionals to develop talented students. These cutting-edge professional teachers will provide instruction designed for the needs of fast-changing industries. Programs are offered in the format of single/non-degree courses, undergraduate and graduate levels. Each class is taught in three-week modules.
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Fintech
- High-tech Entrepreneurship
- Digital Marketing
- Interaction Design
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) and Ming Chuan University (MCU) jointly offer the following programs: 泰国商会大学与铭传大学合作,开设以下课程:
1. Bachelor of Business Management 工商管理学士
2. Bachelor of Business Management (Two Degree Program with Ming Chuan University) 与铭传大学合作双学位
3. Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士
4. M.ED. of Educational Administration 教育行政管理硕士
5. Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理博士
6. Ph.D.in Education Management 教育行政管理博士

- 所有课程由一流商科名校铭传大学负责。All courses are administered by Ming Chuan University, a first-class business school worldwide
- 可以选择本科的双学位。Two Degrees from MCU and UTCC available
- 享受两校的专业教育资源。Enjoy the professional resources of two universities
- 快速提供学生的英语和泰语水平。Quickly improve English/Thai proficiency
- 扩展自己的全球人脉网络。Expand social networks worldwide
- 抓住东盟发展的机遇。Grasp trends of ASEAN countries
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List of Schools at UTCC
- School of Business
- School of Accountancy
- School of Economics
- School of Humanities
- School of Science and Technology
- School of Communication Arts
- School of Digital Arts and Design
- School of Law
- School of Early Childhood Education
- School of Tourism and Services
- School of Engineering
- College of Entrepreneurship
- Graduate School
- Extension School
For the complete list of the Thai programs, please CLICK here.